Industry News

PA Fiscal Code Bill 2024-25

PA Fiscal Code Bill 2024-25

On July 11, 2024, the Pennsylvania General Assembly adopted the Fiscal Code Bill for the Commonwealth as Act 54 of 2024 (see summary) which includes the following highlights: Pennsylvania Strategic Investments to Enhance Sites (PA SITES) Program Establishes the PA SITES program within the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the PA SITES […]

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Watch Recording of Webinar with PA L&I & DCED – Insights to Advisory on Industrialized Buildings & Building Components

Watch Recording of Webinar with PA L&I & DCED – Insights to Advisory on Industrialized Buildings & Building Components

On 10/19/23, PENNBOC held a live webinar for members Insight to Advisory on Industrialized Buildings and Building. A recording of that webinar if included below for informational purposes (not for continuing education credit). Description: Components Recently, the PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), under authority of section 5 of the Industrialized Housing Act […]

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LPG Permitting & Inspecting Policy

LPG Permitting & Inspecting Policy

Recently, an internal policy clarification at PA Department of Labor & Industry was released to the general building code community. The policy clarifies that "the Department expects building code officials to permit, inspect, and regulate as needed all aspects of...

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