PENNBOC Membership


Selecting Your Member Type –
PENNBOC offers four different member types to accommodate everyone’s employment situation: Active, Associate, Corporate, & Student Members.

Active – Any person whose primary duties involve administration, formulation or enforcement of laws, regulations or ordinances relating to public health, safety and welfare for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or a political subdivision thereof, including joint and multi-municipal agencies. ($85 per person.)

Associate – An associate member is an individual who does not meet the requirements of an Active member. Associate members have no voting privileges. ($85 per person.)

Student – If you attend school, at any level, studying building trades, design, construction or fabrication, you qualify for student membership. ($15 per person.)

Corporate – The corporate member category is for commercial (for-profit) entities with an interest in the issues of importance to the code community. Individuals and municipalities cannot be corporate members.  ($100 per company.)

Attention Region 5 Members: Region 5 has established a local regional dues of $20 in addition to the state organization’s dues to fund local educational meetings.  If you are located in Region 5 (central Pennsylvania), please select a “Region 5” membership type.

Selecting Your PENNBOC Region:  PENNBOC is broken up into four geographic regions: Southeast PA (Region1), Northeast PA (Region 2), Central PA (Region 5), and Western PA (Region 6).  You will receive local training announcements based upon your Region choice.

All memberships run the calendar year and expire on Dec 31st.

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information

Membership Type

Active, Active (Region 5), Associate, Associate (Region 5), Corporate, Student, Test